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There are the obvious faults:  Roll down, bumping; rolling too frequently; stiffs; poor kitting; rolling while returning to the kit; landing early


In discussing faults we need to remember that for much of the US history and roller culture, faults and virtues have been assigned mainly to individual birds. There are some faults that most definitely are individualistic problems. However, there are a host of less desirable behaviors that affect the dynamic within a kit and ultimately their performance as a group. These type of attributes have been discussed very little, likely because we as a whole in this country haven't considered them as important as individual weaknesses or strengths. What I am trying to say, is it depends on our focus whether its on "a" bird or "a" kit of birds, traits that are considered faults will differ.
Then we must also consider where does a fault differ from a personal preference? What traits are absolute enough to be considered universally as a bad thing? Cliff Ball tried to address this somewhat in his proposal of a performance standard. Difficulty arises because there is such a wide diversity of interests and goals across the hobby that fanciers are pursuing, its almost impossible to classify any fault as bad in every situation or circumstance. I know what I like and prefer, but Im not comfortable in telling another man he shouldn't pursue the very thing I am culling out. That leads to a gradient of any thing less than perfection (in an individual spinner or a kit of them) has some fault. What kinds of faults are tolerable and where does one draw the line?

I am not aware of a list of literature that discusses or enumerates performance faults. The internet has done away with much of the information that could have been printed and distributed. Some of this could be good information that gets lost in the cloud of internet forums and discussion boards. - Jon Farr